Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Invisible Circus Day of the Dead Ball

Sounds good! I am busy making my halloween costume(S?) and excited about this weekend's Zombie Walk, and possibly this Day of the Dead Ball by the Invisible Circus. Carneyville was just so good, I need more! So the dress code is 'dead cool'?? How about cucumber? Ugh I hate cucumber! Or dressing as your general dead person... but where can I find colored contact lenses?


Anonymous said...


Just ordered 2 pairs for Sunday night. Haven't arrived yet but they were the cheapest I could find...

Anonymous said...

hey - what are you going to wear? I'm a girl and I was thinking just a bright dress and skull make up like Mexican day of the dead.. don't want to do halloween all over again. I'm worried that it says 'ball' as I don't have a ball gown. Sorry to ask!

Lucy Barfoot said...

I found some scary lenses in the end - http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs039.snc3/12644_199156460785_512755785_4547852_2099987_n.jpg i think I look pretty scary. They hurt though! Think it's best to not go for the cheapest, ouch!

I have not been able to get tickets for The Ball!!! Apparently there are some on the door, but I don't feel very hopeful about that. I like the idea of skull makeup + bright dress, I don't think it matters that it's not a ball gown.. what about a bright tutu under bright dress + a headpiece or feathers in your hair?

Unknown said...

we released molre tickets through bristol ticket shop two days ago so should be some on sale today, if not then potentially on the door.I will reserve you one on paying guest list in case. x d

Lucy Barfoot said...

Wow, that's so kind of you Doug. I have a managed to
get a ticket though, so don't reserve one for me. See you tonight!!!

Emma - Eating Diamonds said...

Hi Lucy, I just found your blog whilst trying to search for the name of one of the bands playing at the Day of the Dead ball last night... did you go in the end? It was amazing!

I love your blog btw - I'm also Bristol based. My bog is mainly makeup, beauty and fashion related I write about the Ball here:


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