Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Artist Interview with Megan Cara

Barfoot & Duggan met with the lovely Megan Cara today, she is an art student from the US. She wanted to interview us for her independent study based on art whilst she is in Bristol completing her degree.  It was really great to talk about our working practice, who we are as artist, the things we like, and the story of how the two of us met. Megan is looking for all kinds of artists to meet with for her study. 

"Hi! I'm excited to hear from artists from Bristol and all of the UK. I am keeping a blog of my experiences and impressions of art while i am living and studying here and  would love to meet with or hear from any and all willing artists! I want to know how you got into art, what kind of art you make, life philosophies and much more. my email is: ... i really look forward to meeting more wonderful artists."

So if you are a Bristol based artist, contact Megan and get involved!


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